Author: Ayane
Unlucky-in-life Reiko goes to bed one night dreaming about what it would be like to be a different person... and then she wakes up in the body of Laina, the hero of (insert isekai realm here)! But all is not well in paradise, and the future of the world may hinge on Reiko satisfying all five of Lain..
Author: Ayane
Reiko/Laina is back and (not at all) ready to tackle day number two in her isekai world! Today it's draco-nun matriarch Namuria's turn to pay her darling wife a visit... but if you thought Gagaka was kinky, then OH BABY, you ain't seen nothin' yet! Let's ga-ga-goo-GOOOOO!..
Author: Mira
In the red-light district of a bustling city, three nightclub owners are forced to take drastic measures to protect their reputation once a scammer appears in their midst. In the countryside, the proprietress of a hot-spring resort alleviates the loneliness of a guest whose vacation is at risk of be..
Author: Yukataro
When Spica comes down with a mysterious illness, it’s up to Senri and Manuba to treat the freshly submissive priestess the best that they can—naturally, with sex!The third book in the Adventurers by Day series about three sex-loving female adventurers! (All books can be enjoyed independent..
Author: Chirinu Iroha
There is a temple deep in the mountains where prying eyes cannot reach, and people are few and far between. Here is where Tokiwa, the head priest's daughter, and Touka, her brother's wife, indulge in each other's company in blissful solitude...Artist StatementTokiwa and Touka share a secret... They ..
Author: Maemuki na Doemu
Enjoy almost any scenario you can imagine with this huge compilation of Maemuki na Doemu’s single-page works...
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Author: Nikuo
Makoto Shinjou, an introverted college student with a big dick, is enjoying a vacation with a friend. When they go to see a fortune teller to kill time, he’s very insistent that Makoto needs to wear a micro bikini of all things. Naturally, Makoto ignores this advice and leaves in search of a famous ..
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Author: Ichi
Hirono and Akiyama have been spending the past two days cramming for an upcoming test by studying together at the latter’s house. On day three, Akiyama’s parents are away, and it seems like an ideal setup… but Hirono seems more interested in his textbook than his randy boyfriend. Is he waiting for A..
Author: gram
There was a tip-off about a certain night club, Bunny Splash, being a location for smuggling, so Glow, Shino, and Tenma, were assigned to infiltrate the place and fulfill their mission as usual…Glow and Shino elegantly captured their target and fended off the enemies, so their mission successfully e..
Author: Harunoi Meme (Me)
Tatsuharu and Ryuujin, half-brothers and children of the Hakamada crime family, grew up extremely close. But when they were both seven years old, Ryuujin's mother encouraged him to shoot Tatsuharu's mother dead as they attempted to flee the family. From that time on, Tatsuharu's hate for Ryuujin and..
Author: Pikachi
It's the summer holidays! Despite the heat, Yuki is enjoying her time with Mana. Though the question is, how does Mana keep up with her?..
Author: Harunoi Meme (Me)
This volume tells Bishop's side of the story in meeting Verge. More is revealed about Bishop, including a bit of his past and constitution. Having red eyes grants the person special powers, but it comes with a catch.....
Author: Banjyaku
A silent comic illustrating a bittersweet encounter between secret lovers.NOTE: This silent manga contains both version consisting of images only and version with sound effects...
Author: Ayane
Yukio adore les voyages, les feuilletons télé et les bons repas, mais le sexe est bien le cadet de ses soucis. Tout cela va cependant changer le jour où une généreuse fée débarque de nulle part pour lui faire don d’un intolérable besoin de relations charnelles. N’ayant personne sous la main pour la ..
Author: Ayane
La plantureuse Tsuki Ookami est la nouvelle membre du club de couture local. Satoko Mochida, mère célibataire hétérosexuelle, tombe immédiatement sous le charme animal de la nouvelle venue et n’attend qu’une chose : que Tsuki la dévore toute entière !..
Author: Anponta
Higashi flunks an important math test and might end up having to repeat the year if she doesn't ace the make-up exam! Desperate, she begs the top student in her class - the mousy, tomboyish Eto - for a private cram session. The tutoring does the trick, but when Higashi gets an up-close look at her s..
Author: SOLA
Quand il était enfant, Kôsuke passait beaucoup de temps avec son voisin Minoru et lui avait même promis de se marier avec lui quand il serait grand. Quelques années plus tard, Minoru ne s'occupe pas seulement de Kôsuke de jour, mais aussi de nuit, bien qu'ils ne soient pas ensemble.Que se passera-t-..
Author: Isaki Uta
*This work is in French. For the English version, click here. Synopsis : Murai aime Mine, mais ce dernier est asexuel. À ses côtés, elle va apprendre que les gens n'ont pas tous la même vision du couple et de l'amour. Va-t-elle réussir à trouver son compte et s'épanouir dans cette rel..
Author: ZawarC
Monsieur Suzuki devient le manager de l'équipe de volleyball, mais peut-il réellement encourager ses élèves malgré ses pulsions venues lui mettre des bâtons dans les roues ?..
Author: dotsuco
Toushin's boyfriend Takumi has an insatiable sex drive. To push Takumi to his limit, he proposes a week of abstinence to experience a day of ecstasy!..
Author: Uten Ameka
Follow Tsukushi, a boy who can change genders to "boy", "girl", and "gender neutral", as he spends his days with his best friend Kaoru. This is a non-erotic compilation showing various episodes of Tsukushi and Kaoru growing up together. If you're a fan of the "My Best Friend is a Gender Bender"..
Author: Chabashira Tatekichi
Takumi’s over at his friend Akira’s one day, and Akira asks him to make sure his dad, Yuusuke, isn’t asleep since he’s got an appointment. Takumi goes down to check and finds Yuuske passed out on the couch. Yuusuke is not only asleep, something’s almost on full display for the world to see. Takumi c..
Author: Chabashira Tatekichi
Part 3 Synopsis:Yuusuke offers to show Akira and Takumi some “adult summer fun.” Curious, they agree…but find themselves at a public pool. While Akira is distracted with a girl, a kid runs off with Yuusuke’s bathing suit. Takumi fetches it and brings it to a waiting Yuusuke in a bathroom stall. Yuus..
Author: ZawarC
Monsieur Suzuki, un professeur d’anglais débutant, se voit assigné la tâche de professeur principal d’une classe d’athlètes. Pour gagner leur confiance et créer un lien avec eux, il décide de tout faire pour ses élèves : assister à leurs événements sportifs en les encourageant, noter leurs progrès e..
Author: Mira
Veeta is a novice mage from a village that threatens to be consumed by the sands around if none can repair the fragile barrier protecting it from the elements. With her meager power, her only hope of saving her hometown lies at the teat of Nectia, an elven princess whose milk can imbue its consumer ..
Author: naop
Tsutomu's never been the brightest bulb in the box, but he discovers one neat trick to improve his grades--post-nut clarity! By furiously masturbating to thoughts of his friend Suguru during cram sessions, he goes from flunking to a straight-C student in no time. But what happens when the object of ..
Author: Miyahama Ryo
Towa develops a crush on the hero who saves his clan and goes into heat with the slightest touch from him. However, when he’s dealing with his heat alone, a member of the party he doesn’t like discovers him in a very pathetic situation…..
Author: Soy
Nanami is in love with Honoka. She knows Honoka has a boyfriend, but when she finds her even more bruised than usual, she knows that something's not right…Artist StatementTo be honest, I started working on this because I was frustrated with censorship and my day-to-day life. What drove me was my det..
Author: Ayane
Entre Mone et sa belle et distinguée voisine Subaru, qui l’a recueillie suite à une violente dispute avec sa sœur, le courant passe très vite et leur relation ne tarde pas à dépasser le stade de la simple amitié. Pourtant, Subaru n’a pas l’air décidée à passer à l'étape supérieure malgré ce que dési..
Author: reitou
Sawanoi is over the moon when he finds out that the cleaning boy he has a crush on also offers sexual services—but he doesn’t account for the possibility that there’s another Yoshino available for hire at the same company…Artist Statement Hope you enjoy this romcom!..
Author: Orico
Author: Orico
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Author: Mira
Author: Mira
Author: Ayane
Author: Shikakui Kuromaru
Author: Yukataro
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Author: Yukataro
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Showing 1 to 41 of 41 (1 Pages)