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Shikakui Kuromaru
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Artist Statement

I'm finally able to release my work in English! I put my heart into my works so I hope you will all enjoy it. 
For commercial manga, I release works under the pen name "Marui Shiro". When I draw doujinshi, I like to draw stories about BL in fantasy settings. 
I love drawing tall pretty boy bottoms. I spend my days reading official tweets from the Pomupomupurin Twitter account to get my wholesome content fix. 



A local deity who needs to absorb spirit energy from injections of men's semen finds some fresh prey in a young man whose vigor betrays his meek demeanor.Artist Statement: This is my first official English release! I hope you all enjoy it! ..
聽神旨意就對了 神明大人把處男吃乾抹淨,寵愛又色色的脫處故事 (CHINESE)
Irodori Feng-Li
聽神旨意就對了 神明大人把處男吃乾抹淨,寵愛又色色的脫處故事 (實體同人誌)
Physical Book
與白長髮青年神明的寵愛處男色色故事充滿無限靈力的處男青年×生來靈力虛弱的神明青年神明為了獲得靈力對處男青年從嘗鮮到完全搾精SEX來開搾。/白長髮俊美年上高身高受男和風奇幻BL如果需要電子版作品請點選這邊※ 作品頁面的預覽圖皆為使用3D程式建立的樣品,並非實際的實際的作品厚度,請多注意。This print book is part of a limited-run print batch. We currently do not have plans to reprint the book once sold out...
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